Sunday, October 30, 2011

age vs. fashion what's the deal with that?

Age and fashion, that's something we've seen splattered on every cover of every magazine.
have you ever wondered when it was that we realized we gotta tweak our wardrobe to be age appropriate? What do you think influences that start to change our wardrobes? and so I thought maybe today I'll wear sumthin I wouldn't just came to mind when I was staring at my wardrobe.....

blouse: topshop / hat: tokyo seibu / pants: honeys / shoes: prada 


  1. I know what you mean, I started to just look at my wardrobe recently but it's not because of my age but just because my style changes and Im still trying to figure out what is really me. However, things like mini skirts etc. have changed a lot for me. I won't wear just any mini skirt now lol I feel old and try to coordinate my miniskirts to look dressy as well =)

  2. Hey love,
    Thanks for following, I'm actually already following you lol great outfit, love the heels

  3. Hi darling! Im actually back from vacay now! I even got to spend 3 days in Tokyo, meaning that it was my 3rd time there! You're soooo lucky to live there, I love that place! Missing it already! hahah but it's so expensive, our dollar is so weak right now! Something that was 1800Y was almost 30$CAD!!! OMG! >< Aww dear, don't worry about not updating often ,even quick updates is good! =D Just happy knowing you have't disappeared haha but I agree blogging can be really time consuming and tiring too!

    OmG! Tokyo totally beats holt renfrews butt! Doesn't tokyo have the largest prada store in the world or something? LOL How are you settling down in Tokyo? Im sure well! How can anyone not like that place! All the nice people, good shopping and freaking delicious food! What's not to like! Oh...wait..expensive public transit but then again Vancouver's not any better!!! I'll be very sad when I need to give up my Upass!

  4. Love that hat!!! And those shoes..



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