Saturday, May 21, 2011

butter soft hair.....mmMMmm

Since I got my hair bleached and dyed, my hair has been DRY AS HAY!! And treatments only last for so long....but I say no more, cause my hair has been

this product, is AMAZING!

I first used it when I saw my younger sister using it, (she's like abnormally crazie when it comes to her hair)....anyway I used about a dime size amount on semi-wet hair, try to only massage it on the ends of your hair and after simply blow dry! You can tell instantly the difference in the texture and shine of your hair!!! I have thick brassy hair to begin with so having smooth buttery hair like this is unreal! 

YOU MUST TRY, it beats Fredric Fekkai, Bumble by Bumble, Orbie, Kerastase and any other brand you can think of. Now walk over to your local salon and BUY IT! I swear you won`t be disappointed


  1. Thanks for the tip; I'll have to look for this next time I'm at the salon. I've got this weird hair that tends toward dry and frizzy, but gets real greasy if I put any product in it. Will have to see how this one does.

  2. I use AG liquid varnish and it sux!! but the Morroccan Oil was so much more expensive lol

  3. One of my girlfriends uses it and she swears by it too!

    Maybe this is a sign that I should try it.



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